April 23, 2014

Ports used by NNMi

Check nms-local.properties file in %NNMInstallDir%\misc\nnm\props\local for ports used by NNMi

April 2, 2014

IBM Tivoli Monitoring (ITM) and Operations Manager for Unix (OMU) Integration

SNMP emitter from ITM Hub will send all the SNMP traps to the intermediate server where HPOV Agent is hosted. This agent will parse the received SNMP trap as per the defined policy and then will forward only those events to OMU which are required to be configured. Through this filtering mechanism we can reduce the load on OMU server and will receive all the events which are required.
Policy which will be created on intermediate server will contain the rules for the specified OIDs that is required to be configured. In these rules we can defined the alert attributes i.e. alert severity, text, application, group etc. 

Installation of HP Operations Manager for Windows